Evenings of the Circle of the Seven

New York—America

December 9, 1922–April 4, 1923[1]

9 December 1922


Automatic writing of N.R.:[3]

“When clouds dim the sky and lightning flashes,

Is it not better to remain within the walls of the house?

“Though rain penetrate the shutter,

Still there will be no danger.

If you would know—you will learn it from the experience of action, and the experience of silence.

When I say act, exhaust all the resources of action.

When I say silence, seek all the means of silence.

But if the experience of action is lengthy, the experience of silence is brief.

Therefore act through silence.

But if you desire to display the force of action,

Gather the children—those of the future.

And in action with children you will not be ensnared in the prepared traps.

Short is the time and you know the dates.

I said it.”[4]


“On the shield has been placed the sign of the Teacher. Upon its meaning many shall ponder, but few shall understand. For few is it given to penetrate the meaning of the sign. But to the minds of the Children all is yet fresh. The Beauty may be therein sown to flourish into flower of Beauty. There shall be gathered a new army for the future. Men stagnate with the old ideas clinging like rags to their person. But thou must give to the young a new garb—vestments of Light.

This robe will not become shabby, but will adorn forever their person. Thus shall ye sow My seed not on a sterile soil of the old, but on the teaming soil of the young.

Thus shall ye fulfill the gifts of the future.”*


“It will be easy to teach Children Beauty—difficult to teach older beings. Start at once to make the institution a center for youth.”*


“Action and Silence.

In silence let there be action and wisdom. In silence you can create energy to be used for future. Be calm, but always full of energy. There is much that can be done for the Children. Their minds are open and untainted. Teach them love and Beauty, for both go hand in hand. Prepare the material for the future for they shall be the workers.”*


An die sechs Shüler. Vom Osten wird die Verkündigung des Heils der Menschheit kommen, aber das ist nicht die Gegenwart—das wird in Zukunft geschehen. In Gegenwart sind Eure Leiter Uruswati und Fujama, die Verkünder der Wahrheit, Schönheit und wahre Kunst.

Die höhere Lehre genießt. Macht Euch bereit zum Empfang deren, die für Verkündigung des großen Losses der Welt und die Befreiung der armen Menschheit gewählt sind.

Machtlos werden die Verräter des Großen sein, denn der zerstörende Geist den heiligen Bau nicht vernichtet vermag.

(Germ: To six disciples. From the East shall come the news of the Goodness for the whole mankind, but not now—it will happen in the future. In this time your guardians are Urusvati and Fuyama—the heralds of truth, beauty and real art.

Enjoy the highest teaching. Be able to accept those, who are chosen to proclaim the great lot of the world and liberation of poor mankind.

The traitors of the Great will remain powerless, for the spirit of destruction cannot ruin the sacred construction.)

Yes, yes, yes.

I am coming, revealing the Covenant!

Protect the harmony!

Wild rose will replace blackthorn.

I am Elijah New!

16 December 1922


Automatic writing of N.R.:

Drawing of the seal-sign was given.

I speak not for a year or two, but for the whole period.

When you find a young,

When you find a trustworthy,

When you find devoid of betrayal heart,

And bring it to Me for the service, bestow this sign to it.

By this sign will hearts find each other.

And will believe.

In all My chosen countries.

Safeguard. And comply with the Ordinance.

My Ordinance.[9]

December 1922, evening



“Mark the meaning of the precious seal. The spheres of Eternal life and Eternal evolution—the serpent of life-giving wisdom, the chalice filled with the new wine. It is the seal of the coming Victory. It is the seal set upon the coming Lord Messiah. It shall be inscribed upon the shield and upon the banner.

On the heart’s inmost being must the significance be inscribed forever. By it shall all know the mark of My warriors. By it shalt thou recognize the messenger of Moriah. It shall be the counter sign. Those who display it, thou shalt know are My heralds. As the year of the glory draws nigh, there shall be many who will bring the warriors the news of preparation. You shall know them by the counter sign.

Blessed are ye who shall see the accomplishing of the Creator’s plan. Blessed are ye who shall see the messengers of Morning. Blessed are ye who shall aid harassed Humanity to the light. Blessed are ye—Onward then in thy fight for truth.

Let the attacks be as naught before a brotherhood fortified by Love. Bulwarks of Strength ever united in the Service of the Blessed One who comes to serve God’s Plan.” *


“Use discretion, the enemy has many who may try to disguise themselves as My messengers. Especially among Children will you find souls who may be future warriors of Mine. Teach them Love, Beauty, and action.”*


“The trust is given you, appreciate it. Purify your hearts, give all of yourself to the great work. Seek others but with great care. Bring hearts that are noble and pure, and who wish to serve humanity. Be joyous in your work. Remember the greatness of the deeds for which you are working. Try to learn and only gain by the experience I sent. Remember the growth of spirit is necessary. Learn and try.”*


“Und durch die Wüste streifte der Wanderer gen Glück und dachte, dass Wasser das Höhere sei; und Wasser er fand und dachte die Quelle sei unversagbar. Und jubelnd lebte er dahin und dachte nie werde Ungeheuer über ihn kommen. Und als einst der Morgen anbrach ist die Quelle seines Glückes verseuchten, da der Boden nicht rein war. Und langsam streifte er weiter sein ödes Leben, bis er gen das Tor kam, welches ihm bei reinen und edlen Seelen geöffnet wurde, und die Hand gereicht nicht zur versenkbaren Quelle, sondern zur Ewigen Hohen und unendlich Schönen.

So Ihr, Schüler, die das Tor überschritten habt, geleitet seid und gesegnet seid, bleibt jenseits des Tores und nicht diesseits.”

(Germ: The traveler walked at random through the desert, imagining that water is the highest good; he found water, and thought that this source will be inexhaustible. He began to live, enjoying and hoping that suffering would never touch him. But one morning he found that the spring was gone, for the earth around it was not clean. And he went on, leading the hard life of a wanderer, until he came to one gate opened to him by pure and noble souls. And his hands touched not the drying source, but the Eternal Highest Good and Beauty.

So did you, pupils, enter the gate—led and blessed; thus, stay on this side of the gate, but cross not back to the other side.)

23 December 1922, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

Sword, sword, sword, sword, sword, sword, sword, sword.

“Who has said that one must give away foolishly?

Foolishness remains foolishness.

“One thinks—already have I given.

Another thinks—I gave, and thus have come nearer.

A third thinks—I gave, and thus merit much.

“But all their gifts are in the stormy depths.

We cannot offer the possessions of another.

We cannot give away what we have been given for safe-keeping.

“If one entrust unto a friend to safeguard one’s property,

And returning, one ask for it again, what will the friend feel?

Only joy that he could return what he has guarded.

Therefore, rejoice and pray:

“O Lord, Thou gavest me Thy Bliss to safeguard.

Thou hast taught me how to guard It.

And now teach me how to return that which I have guarded at Thy Call, O Lord!

“Rejoice—I am guarding!”[10]

December is almost over.

Eleven, twelve, twenty, twenty-one.



“Possessions thou hast none. All thy works belong to time and the Creator. All thy thoughts belong to humanity. All thy deeds are treasured in the troves of Eternity.

What then can be thine own? Thy shell—it is the earth’s. Thy mind—the dress of tiny matter. Thy soul hast already dedicated it to Me. Thou art possessionless. What thou art giving is already Mine. Rejoice that thou may return the possessions to their owner carefully preserved; unharmed, intact, inviolate.


The fastness of evil crumbles before your eyes. Evil so . . . evil, and the hands of the enemy are his own slayer. The doers of evil wash their evil jaws at each other and finally devour themselves in their own filth. So does the eye of time watch and await the moment. Then do the beasts of hate unleash themselves and tear apart their own vitals. Thou shalt remain untouched. Thou shalt hear the snarl, but do not fear. The beasts will find their prey too difficult to reach. And shall spew their anger on some weaker victims. Then await the coming of the brighter days. The dawn that shall follow shall breathe forth pure air. The path will be clean, and the treasures of light will be before thee. So be it! I have so attested!” *


“Give up all your earthly possessions, as great joy will be yours! There will come a time when you all will appreciate this; give with your hearts—give freely. Plenty of time will be given you. I shall gladly accept at any time. Remember well the given dates—their importance is great. Observe closely and no harm shall come to you. Do not offer the enemy an opportunity to harm you. I said it!”*


“I entrust you with My possessions—guard them well. Use them with discretion. Use them wisely, and I shall send you more. Do not fail to send Me your gifts. I am ready to receive all small ones, all petty ones. And only then may you send the Great ones. Remember.”*


“An die Abwesende Reine. Tief der Abgrund und schmal der Pfad, an dem er zögernd und wackelnd streifte von unheimlich starker Kraft getrieben. Und Deine hilfreiche Hand abweisend, war er nah dem Stürz. Jedoch ist Sieg an Meinem Schild und Sturz der dunklen Kraft. Dir, Reine abwesende, Sieg und Heil Dir, Euch und Allen, die Mir ergeben sind, und zum Schaffen des Hohen versammelt seid.”

(Germ: To Unearthly Purity. Deep was an abyss and a narrow path on which he slowly walked, swaying, driven by an unknown force. And rejecting your hand, he was close to falling. But on My Shield, there is a victory and destruction of the dark forces. To you, unearthly purity, victory, and benevolence—to you and to all those who are devoted to Me, who united in the name of creating the Supreme.)

30 December 1922, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

“Like elephants crossing the forest, crushing the bushes and sweeping aside the trees,

So walk in the Great Service.

Therefore, know how to battle.

“Many are called to the Knowledge,

But to few are opened the secrets of Our Decisions.”[11]

But I entrusted you with a Secret.

“Therefore, know how to battle.”[12]

I will give you earthly honors and multiply your possibilities.

But accept this as a sign of dignity of My assignment.

Therefore, know how to battle.

“You will see how My Shield is defamed.

You will know how My Treasures are counterfeited.

Then shall you raise your sword.

Therefore, know how to battle.”[13]

Print the Sign of the Chalice on a lilac Chinese silk.

“Chiefly, beware of treason and light-mindedness—

Out of light-mindedness is treason born.

Therefore, know how to battle.”[14]

Greet and win the year 1923.


“Once the travail is ended, the spirit shall grow like some fair flower. Through the labor and assault, its fragrance shall leave it not, but shall impart beauty to those around. The year lies before you like a field of combat. The lancers shall enter the combat, and what will they achieve? The year lies before thee, pause and consider: time precious for the culture of the spirit. Fertile soil for great deeds of the future. Happy ye who can look ahead to tomorrow and be of service. Yesterday is over, but the New Year dawns with a myriad of promise. Oh warriors, cherish the hours of service. Mark deeds of glory on thy scroll. For tomorrow will soon be yesterday. Days vanish quickly.

Hasten to make use of the golden hours. What fruits shall the vine bear? What flower shall the seed bring forth? Thou alone can determine. Oh days be pregnant with blessings to humanity. Let My Hand fashion a sword where with to defend this banner in the coming battle. Let My heart kindle the fire of human love.

Oh Lord of Light, may the year be fruitful. Oh Lord of Fire, may the year see mankind roused to Beauty’s call. Oh Lord of Redemption, may the year bring mankind to thy threshold. Then Hail the coming Dawn! Hail the battle and the victory. And be blessed in Our Name.”*


“I will guide you in the coming Battles, but you must do the fighting. Fight hard, for you know the wonderful cause. I will advise you, but you must carefully listen and try to understand the real meaning. I will protect you, but you must make yourself worthy of My Protection.”*


“The clouds gather, but behind the clouds the sun always shines. Keep your heart on the distant light; the battles approach. Sharpen your weapon and prepare, but remember victory awaits you. Love conquers hate, light conquers darkness. Be brave, be patient.”*


“Und nicht wie im düsteren Urwalde gebeugten Hauptes schüchtern Schrittes sollt Ihr durch schwere Zeiten wandeln. Unser Gebot heißt Euch von der reinsten Quellen der Schöpfung schöpfen. Ihr steht am Rand und weißt wie den Becher zu füllen. Und was über Rand des Bechers flössen wird, verschwendet nicht. Es sind Hunderte da.”

(Germ: You do not have to go through hard times like through a dense forest, walking timidly, heads bowed. Our Covenant tells you: draw from the purest source of creation. You stand at the edge and know how to fill the chalice. And what spills over the edge of the chalice will not disappear. There are hundreds waiting there.)

6 January 1923, evening


An ancient bead was manifested.

—Let Poruma wear it next year.

Making several turns on the table, the bead rolled into E. Rerikh’s palm to be passed to Poruma.

Automatic writing of N.R.:

The dead plow the world with funeral processions.

The dead dig graves and fill them with their remains.

But to you the Messiah has come!

Assassins gather troops, invent murder weapons, and rejoice in destruction.

But to you the Messiah has come!

Poisoners seek poisons and rejoice in any harm.

They sit in the dark.

But to you the Messiah has come!

Traitors gather in mobs and invent disgrace of the world.

They are numberless.

But to you the Messiah has come!

Fools sit in swagger; they hope for murderers and traitors.

But to you the Messiah has come!

The dead, murderers, poisoners, traitors, and fools, what shall you do when My lightning strikes your door?

Not chants, but the teaching of every day.

Thus accept. I wish you read more often My Teaching.

I have said it.


“Assault the Gates of Eternity with felony and with vice, thou scum of humanity! Prepare thy battle against the power of Light if ye will. Yet is thy doom already sealed. The thunder shall crush the turrets thou art building. Lightning shall crumble thy fortresses, and thou wilt lie vanquished beneath the wreckage. The specters of thy crimes shall molest My warriors no more. The hidden venom of thy dart shall miss its mark and rebound upon the sender.

But for thee, o light bearers, the gates of heaven are open. The great and saintly Hosts pour upon thee their benignity. The stars sing in unison the coming victory. The world awaits that dawn of the Regeneration. Bear the eternal torches. Raise them on high that the benighted may see and approach.

Out of hovels and palaces they shall come. The burden of their hearts drenched in blood, and tears shall fall away at sight of the torch of Redemption. Darkness has had its day. Waned is that moon which shall behold the flood tide of evil. The Sun is rising in the East, and the morning is bathed in the splendor of the new era. Open thy hearts to the flood of Light.

It pours down a never-ending torrent. The day is come, night vanishes, and the moon pales. The Sun is upon the mountains.

Hail, Hail, Hail.

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.

The Messiah approacheth!”*


“Remember the messages given you in the last six months. Many wonderful lessons can be learned from them. Decipher them; the troubles you may pass through during —you bear with a smile. You have been warned in advance. But no matter how troublesome the next few years may be, the future opens before you a wonderful sight, the coming of the Messiah! The time will be here before you know it. Lots of work is to be done. In the meantime, you all are His workers. Work hard that His way be smoothened! I will give further instructions, and more will be told in time.”*


“Let the enemy pour forth his venom. His time will be short, and his power will [be] gradually weakened. Be bold, My warriors, you know of the approaching Light. Prepare the way. Let the path be strewn with brave deeds, and so you shall approach. Be firm, be strong. Darkness shall disappear before the first ray of Dawn, when the proper time arrives. The Messiah comes! Rejoice, prepare!”*


Gepriesen seid, gepriesen seid, gepriesen seid. Und wenn die Wolken Eure Stern verschleiern, Mein Strahl wird sie zerstören. Und nicht Genugtuung wird die dunkle Macht habt.

Obdachlos wandeln viele Seelen, nimmt die reinen auf, da der Samen nur in Licht sprießen kann.

(Germ: Praise to you, praise to you, praise to you. And if the clouds cover your happiness, My Ray shall disperse them. Dark forces shall not be satisfied. Many souls wander homelessly; accept the pure ones, for only in the light can seeds germinate.)

Urusvati, I shall send an arrow; I shall send an arrow and will destroy. They keep the son in the darkness. He should see the light again. Do not be sad. He will come.

20 January 1923, evening


The drawings were given of the reincarnations of L. Horch and Poruma. Horch, as the son of the Chinese emperor Fuyama of the third century BC, named Logvan. Poruma—Chanoinesse Louise of the seventeenth century [French: canoness].

—Let Poruma visit St. Etienne church in Paris.

Automatic writing of N.R.:

“Examine even the stones resounding under your feet.

For on them may be found traces of My Coming.

“Waiting ones, waiting ones,

Even you may not recognize the hour of My Coming.

As the waiting is not easy,

I will give signs, and help.

“I shall not come in the night.

And in the hours when the rays of the sun do not reach Earth, let your spirit calmly

rise to the Abode of the Creator.

I shall tell you how to wait in the hours of day.

Not with hymns nor with exaltation await Me,

But by strengthening your labor in My Name.

Not in sleep nor during the repast,

But during labor shall I fulfill your hopes, My beloved ones.

In the morning, repeating the seven words, say:

Help us lest we neglect Your Labor.

And repeating My Name, and asserting yourself in My Labor, you will attain My Day.

“Cherish and read My Words.

In these days of hardship you will be vindicated by labor.

And through action will you be exalted.

And by My Name will you attain.

I said it.”[15]


“Beneath the firmament of Heaven the Wise Ones waited for the sign of Christ’s coming. And from the East they followed the starry trail. Do thou await My approach at dawn, when the new Sun shall flood the waking world. When the morning stars shall array themselves, resound their choirs of praise, and then grow pale before the advancing Sun. Then ye, who through the night have kept thy vigil at My threshold, rise up and come to meet the Redeemer.[16] That morning thou shalt know the reward of vigilance, thou shalt comprehend the exaltation of labor. In that one glimpse the ages shall drop from thee as a mantle outworn, and thou shalt be reborn, Newly arrayed in the vestments of wisdom. But birth comes only in travail. And only from chaos is born the radiant new life. Therefore know and comprehend, twilight precedes the dawn. And in that misty hour of vigil grow not weary, for the morning comes resplendent. And to those who shall salute Me in the morning hour the heavens shall reveal their glories. And all the hosts of Heaven shall send their blessings, thou art then summoned. Keep watch upon My Coming.”*


“In Calmness await My Coming; like a boat first appears on the horizon, so will My Coming be. In the meantime, you, My warriors, spread Beauty and Art amongst the people, as both will be of great importance. Work and do not forget My Teachings given to you. More indications will be given to you. Watch for the miracles—new ones are on the way.”*


“My work is entrusted to you; build well, My masons. In labor, you shall grow. Do not miss the great opportunities offered to you, for there lies your future work. Work hard, My builders, there is much to be done. Exalt Beauty. Beauty shall conquer—the hearts of people shall be opened through Beauty and action, and through them I shall send My Blessings.”*


Und wenn das Gespenst, welches Jahrhunderte die Völker in den Abgrund und Finsternis gezogen hat, sein Antlitz entschleiern wird, wird ein Ausweg nur sein.

Und wenn erbost und suchend die Völker sich auf einander stürzen werden, wird ein Ausweg nur sein. Und wenn man die Menschheit nicht mehr betrügen im Stande sein wird, wird ein Ausweg

nur sein. Der Ausweg ist der Pfad zu Mir, zur Wahrheit, Schönheit und Gerechtigkeit.

Und wenn Meine Botschaft Euch verlasst und wenn Sie auf den Weg gen Mich sind, folgt und vergisst den einzigen wahren Ausweg nicht.

Zeigt Euch wert der vielen reinen Weisheit, die Ihr von denen empfangen habt.

(Germ: And when a ghost that has been dragging nations into the abyss and the darkness for centuries reveals its depths, there will be only one way out.

And when in rage and hatred, the nations fall on each other, there will be only one way out.

And when humanity will not be able to turn away from lies, there will be only one way out.

This way out is the way to Me, to Truth, Beauty, and Justice.

And when My envoys leave you, and if you are on your way to Me, continue the way and do not forget the only way out.

Show yourself worthy of the pure wisdom you have received from them.)

27 January 1923, evening


Drawings were given of the reincarnations of Jeroboam,[17] Avirach,[18] Oyana, and Modra.

Automatic writing of N.R.:

“And so in labor will you meet Me.

But what are the signs of labor?

Speed, decisiveness, and self-sacrifice.

But with speed and decisiveness one may also rush toward the abyss.

But your path is to the summits.

Therefore, add also wisdom.

“Ask yourselves in the morning, beginning your day,

What you can add to the entrusted work,

That My Name should permeate all your deeds,

And should enter not as obstacle but as affirmation;

Not averting, nor complicating, but as a part of your decisive thoughts.

“So labor wisely and, accepting the Shield of My Name,

You will conquer all that obstructs the ascent.

This is the advice for immediate application to the work.

And so, precisely and simply I say:

Read and understand simply My Teaching, without losing the given dates.

My Hand be with you!”[19]


Later I shall give you the images.


“Wherein shall ye find the fruits of this labor of love, I say unto thee? Thou shall find them in suffering and sacrifice. The suffering and sacrifice for all humanity. Herein is the apotheosis of labor, and the final glorification of the spirit. Thus shall ye reap the knowledge that in that ardent output of thy forces. A world is purged, the crimes of multitudes are washed away. One pure unstinting heart laid upon the altar of sacrifice shall win repentance for mankind.

“The fires of Heaven are inextinguishable but the fury of their blast may be averted by the prayers of a few souls who labor with devotion, then realize the powers, which rest within thy efforts of today. A new earth for chastened men to look upon a new dawn to meet the rising suns [sons] of men. New heavens to which mankind shall know to look for mercy. In the united effort is [are] centered sublime results. Mankind grown wiser shall look back upon these efforts with gratitude.

“The seed of man’s regeneration is in thy hands, nurture the treasure with the entire labor of thy beings. M⸫ pours out the wine of blessings into the chalices of His warriors. Remember. Remember, My dawn is nearing. Prepare!”*


“Read the messages given to Fuyama daily. It will stop you from forgetting My Teachings. After the end of this month, quick decision, speed, and wisdom will be necessary. A lot of new problems will have to be solved. Remember in all your works My Name. I will guide you.”*


“Remember to act wisely in all decisions; sharpen your brains and use your intuition. My Name shall guard you in all unselfish enterprises. Work hard and diligently; there is much to be done. You must gain many experiences. Do all your labor in My Name; it shall be protection for you and assist you in your difficulties. Use discretion in all your deeds. Blessing to you all.”*


In der weiten gierigen Welt ist ein Menschwesen ohne jegliches höheres Streben ein Wurm, den man so leicht zertreten kann. Und das geschieht. Ein Menschenwesen, das zu der Weisheit strebt und schafft, wird zu Uns und durch Uns emporgehoben.

Gibt den Durstigen, dass Euch gegeben ward, da Ihr durstig ward und als Ihr im öden Dasein suchend nach Wahrheit allein stand. Und wie Euer Weg jetzt leuchtend vor Eich liegt, schafft und bringt Sonne ins alltägliche Leben, dass doch so unendlich reich sein kann.

(Germ: In a world full of temptations, a man who has no aspirations for the higher is like a worm, so easy to crash. This most often happens. But a man who aspires to wisdom and achieves it, will rise up to Us and through Us.

Give to the thirsty what has been given to you, when you walked through the desert of life, lonely and thirsty, longing for the moisture of truth. And as your path is lit up now, so do you light up the sun and carry it to the life around, which can become infinitely rich.)

3 February 1923, evening


Oyana drew an image of M.M., similar to His appearance seen in London. N. Rerikh drew a painting from the past of Poruma and Shoraka.

Automatic writing of N.R.:


To the remaining ones!

1.      If you hear the Name of the King of the World, bow your ear.[20]

2.      If you hear abuse of the Messiah, be not horrified, but say, “Madness.”[21]

3.      “Respect the principle of Hierarchy.

In Brotherhoods great and small, all actions are given through the Elders.

There may be teachings and inspirations, but actions originate from One Source.

4.      Await not gifts but gather treasures.

I can give you all the pearls of the world,

But what will you do with this treasure?

You will find the most iron-bound, the most musty,[22] the most tomb-like vault, and

the gift will die.

But it will be different if under My Hand you will, by yourself, string from human souls a necklace of pearls, and will judge their size and value.”[23]

5.      Observe the miracles in life.

Poruma responds to Urusvati.

Logvan is filled with Fuyama’s origin.

Not in the book, but in life is outlined the page of karma.

6.      “Look for the new ones—they are appointed and directed.

Do not reject their knocks.”[24]

7.      Keep your sword sharp both day and night, for it is in My Name!

Then the image!

We will continue later!


“One treasure shall I leave thee greater than all else—the Treasure of My Faith. Thou shalt carry it with thee wherever ye journey. Thou shalt enshrine it in My Temple, and there, like the choir of Celestial messengers, you shall guard it with all thy strength. The commandments I leave thee shall be thy scripture and thy gospel. Meditate upon the treasures of the heart; as ye shall apply them in thy life thou shalt advance. Not mere words these to be glanced at or praised, these commandments must be into life or they shall die like those same pearls garnered by men. The fire of life is the one and only order for the forging of thy spirit. The test of life alone can try the strength of thy belief.

One, one, one.

What shall be the secret of thy trial? The indissoluble circle shall remain unbroken, as one must be, lest in the breaking of thy ties the ever-watchful enemies intrude. I leave thee fortified by each other, Brothers and Sisters, united in comradeship of light. Guardians of My Structure, ever vigilant, unwearyingly, patient until the return of the Teacher. Remember the Banner and the Ring. My countersign.”*


“I am giving you these Teachings, so you will ascend quicker; I am sending you lots of experiences, so you will see their use in daily life. Remember the wonderful source from whence they are sent. Protect My new Home. Guard it like a precious stone. Guard it with wisdom. More instructions will be given.” *


“The King of the World shall come. Prepare the way, My warriors. Sharpen your swords in defense, and also be aggressive. Lend your ear to the striving ones, they are coming—hear the knock. Attune thine ear. Think of the young ones, there you shall find possibilities; they shall be eager, so give to the thirsty ones. Read well My Teaching, and take your experiences from life. Action and Beauty. Remember.”*


“Zurückbleibenden, Ihr seid eine wunderbare Kette auf der Mein Segen ruht. Wenn ein Glied zerreist, so kann die Kette wieder zusammen geschmiedet werden, jedoch ist das zerrissene Glied ein unnutzes Abfall. Gedenk dessen. Baut eine Brücke aus wunderbaren reinen Taten, die Euch zu Euren Leiter leiten wird. Überschritten muss sie sein. Baut, baut, baut in der Abwesenheit. ”

(Germ: Remaining ones, you form a wondrous chain; My Blessing abides with it. If one link of the chain is broken, the chain can be re-soldered, but the severed link will become unnecessary garbage. Ponder about it. Build a bridge out of your wonderful and clean deeds; on this bridge you will come to your Teacher. The bridge must be crossed. Build, build, build it in their absence.)

9 February 1923, evening of the Circle of the Seven


N. and L. Horch are absent because of their girl’s illness. Present are S., Y., and M. Lichtmann, S. M. Shafran, N. and E. Rerikh, F. Grant.

Automatic writing of N.R.:

8.      “Chiefly, act not through anger but through indignation of the spirit.

The fire of anger leaves only holes in the web of the Universe.

But if you act in indignation of spirit,

Defending the Name of the Lord and the power of your Teacher,

Then even blows will be justified.

Therefore, choose in all things between the fire of anger and the purifying flame of the spirit’s indignation.”[25]

9.      If you do not know the solution, wait for another day. And the meaning of the Luminaries will purify the message with truth.

10.     If you do not want to start—do not start.

11.     If you do not want to see—avoid.

12.     I will speak if your soul is filled with lack of knowledge.

13.     Do not entrust the matter to the old ones.

14.     But be able to recognize the friends—they come.


Oyana, draw Saint Theresa and Sister Oriola holding the chalice.

Automatic writing of Modra:

“When ye shall hear the Voice of the Lord calling to thee out of Darkness, be not afraid, though the sound makes the mountains tremble, though heights are shattered by the power of His Voice. Do thou remain calm in prayer, for though the sword of the Creator rends the earth, thou who carry the talisman shall be spared. The Heavens shall rain down fires of fury, yet shalt thou be untouched, for the blessed shield is over thee like an inviolable guard. Through the Teacher art thou saved, through Him art thou resurrected, through Him shall thou serve. Without Him all shall be chaos, but the King of all the World shall bear in His arms the Sun and stars to light the way. Remember then that through Me thou livest, through Me alone. Remember and repose in the eternal peace. It comes only through Service.”*

Oyana drew the portrait of Sister Oriola holding the chalice.

17 February 1923, evening


Present are S. M. Shafran, S., Y., and M. Lichtmann, Frances Grant, N. and E. Rerikh.

Visions of S. M. Shafran.

Automatic drawings of N. Rerikh:

– Portrait of Sister Oriola

– Portrait of Sni-li-chu

– Portrait of the Messenger of . . .


Regard the images given onto you—Faces of yesterday known to thee. Familiar to thee if thou but remember her, whom the fathers claimed as martyr, her who in sweet compassion resigned her all to serve the church of ChristTheresa you behold.

Then she whom young Log-van too soon departed chose to wife. Third I have pointed out the messenger of . . .

All is unveiled to those who can perceive. The workings of the firmament is not concealed from seekers for the truth. Search into the hidden sciences known to philosophers of yesteryear. The secrets of the great magnetic influences under which men struggle to light shall be therein revealed. Treasures are hidden only from those who will not search, but for the few who seek to know the plan of the Creator the way is open for the asking. Cosmos, Infinity, Eternity—not unfathomable are ye to those who know the laws! Epics may be written upon the grandeur, phantasie may tell thy mysteries, in parables may truth be hidden, and those who know thy language may decipher. Give utterances to the wonders thou hast seen, let others hear the wonders of the story. Marvel and miracle shall bring men to thy doors obedient and inspired disciples. One word shall be enough for willing hearts, then tell the tale.”*

Oyana was tired.

3 March 1923, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:


15.     “How to affirm the measure of your deeds?

If your deeds are useful to the world, then is their measure great.

16.     How to affirm the quality of your deeds?

If your deeds benefit humanity, then is their essence good.”[26]

17.     “Know how to understand repose between actions.

In this respite lies the accumulation of strength.”[27]

18.     “Fear not, for what has been well planned will endure.”[28]

19.     Be able to maintain consciousness of the entire size of the assignment plan.

20.     “Speak not evil and do not curse.

For the hail of curses falls painfully upon the head of the one who spouts it.

21.     Learn to defend My Name and My Works against traitors. For you will meet with many opportunities to put an end to slander.”[29]

If, in work and in joy, you bring to life and keep in your mind these thrice seven rules, then My House will prosper. There will be walls where the signs of My deeds can be strengthened.

“This is a time for action, and Our Trust is with you.”[30]


“Thrice seven are My commands to thee. Short is the message for the keeping of My Covenant. But herein is summoned up Wisdom of vast understanding. Regard these as pillars of My Task. They must be firm and beautiful; they must tower heavenward, and support the dome of the Temple. Pillars are these of Wisdom. Cherish them and keep them. Repeat them over and over until they are enchased upon your heart. These are the sesame which shall open to thee the Gates of Our Kingdom. From above there looks down upon thy labor a starry host. Thoughts of Benignity pour down upon you like the sun’s golden shower. Your strength comes from this radiance lavished upon you.

Hosts of Heaven—from out of those starry firmaments shall come the Masters of tomorrow. Benevolence, Compassion, and Love are poured upon the earth. Ye sons of men, look upwards. Daughters of the world, behold the message of the starlit night—then guard the Treasure of the World. The Beauty of the coming dawn shall show to thee its greatest message. With your spirits’ growth, new light shall illumine its meaning. Learn it word for word, and let it be thy gospel and thy prayer.

To ye My Blessings and My Trust, My children.

Blessed by My Brothers and beloved of thy Father.”*


“Keep My twenty-one Commandments, and you will progress quickly on the pass. Keep them always in your mind. Institutions founded upon such commandments will grow rapidly and will be of great help to humanity—cherish them.”*


Behold the Teaching.

“Cherish My commands; understand them. Consider broadly the meaning. In them, you shall find support and strength. Learn. Carry out My Instruction and you will conquer.”*


“Leer bleibt die gebende Hand nimmer, denn unversiegbar und unerschöpft ist die Quelle des Reinen. Euer Siegeskranz, Auserwählte, ist die Schöpfung des Tempels. Seid dessen bewusst. Nicht durch kalten Verstand seid geleitet, das Herz wird Euch und der Glaube das Tor zur Wahrheit öffnen.

Fürchtet nicht, denn nur ein Fehltritt kann Euch vom rechten Weg abbringen, und darum bewahre Ich Euch. Die Antwort an den Ruf ist in Euch. Und der Ruf ist stets groß und rein. Ihr sollt den größten Wachstum der Menschheit erblicken—seid bereit.

Mein Auge wacht!

Meine Hand segnet und schickt Mein Schild!


(Germ: The giving hand will never fail, for endless and inexhaustible is a pure source. Your wreath of a winner, chosen ones, is the creation of the temple. Be conscious of it. Do not be guided by cold reason—only the heart and faith open the gates of truth.

Do not fear, for only a wrong step can lead you astray, therefore I protect you. The answer to the call is in you. And the call is always great and pure. You will see the greatest growth of mankind—be ready.

My eye is on guard!

My Hand blesses you and imparts My Shield!

Be vigilant!)

10 March 1923, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

Add to the covenants.

“I give to you the Teaching, karmic messages, Instructions.

The Teaching is intended for the whole world, for all beings.

The more broadly you comprehend, the more truly it is yours.

Karmic communications are sent because of care and love for you.

We issue warnings, and We enable you to meet the wave of karma with knowledge.

Be not surprised if signs about karma are not always clear to you.

The indications are always understandable,

And they must be carried out without delay.”[31]

Also in the visions, you have all three kinds of instructions, but besides these, they include also the signs of personal consciousness—united consciousness.

This kind of vision should also be attentively studied.

I point to you these signs, for I have to tell you, and rejoice indeed—your assignment started quickly, and none of Our assignments yet have grown so quickly.

Thus I wish to say—by keeping the covenants, you might equally hurry in the future.

The work grows.

I have said.

Visions of S. M. Shafran, written from her words:

1.      Girls in light clothes, barefoot, and dancing. Nearby stands Svetik and he looks. One of the girls approached him, and turning into a snake, started to wrap around him. But as she reached his hand, he stopped her with his gaze, and with extraordinary force he seized the head of the snake and pushed it into a wooden box, standing nearby, and from inside of it flashed a phosphoric light.

2.      A terribly unpleasant letter is arriving, not known for whom.

3.      Yuri Rerikh sits down and writes a letter. A wall raises and covers him from S. M. Shafran’s sight.

4.      A vision of M.M. at the right side of N. Rerikh. M.M. raised the hands and blessed all present. To S.M.’s exclamation, “Be You also blessed”—M.M. slightly smiled, and to S.M.’s request to say something—Finish what you have started.


“M’s Temple.

Consecrate the building to My tasks. Build up the structure until it reaches the skies in spirit. Its watchtower shall reveal to you the distances, and it shall be the shrine of Beauty for the coming generation. The children shall find within its walls a fairy garden, a dwelling place of marvel, a sanctuary for the flower-laden thoughts of childhood, which too soon are smothered by an unresponsive world. My Shrine shall be the haven of ye remaining ones. There shall I come to you, and give ye counsel when the problems must be solved. There in your silences await My Presence. I shall come. And I shall make My Presence known to thee, My children. Remember, My trust in thee is great. Let each day’s labor bind thee closer to thy Father.”*


“I will give you more Commandments. By obeying My Commandments and trying to understand the Karmic messages, and observing the visions, your spirit will quickly rise. The new home, My Temple, will be of great Aid. Guard My Temple, and through it bring beauty to the world. I am with thee.”*


(Attempt to write in Russian)

Louis—I chose—teaching.


Unauslöschlich soll die Glut Eures Glaubens sein. Unabgebrochen die wände Meines Tempels. Unzerreißbar die Kette. Reines Herzens folgt den Weg des Höheren. Leichten Füssen geht von Bösen, und nicht durch Unsinn soll Euer Hirn gefüllt sein. Zu groß die Aufgaben und Heilig der Sinn Meines Willens.

Mein Fuß zertritt, was vernichten werden soll. Meine Gnaden streut Segen, und wenn Ich den Rücken kehre, so ist keine Sonne mehr. Seit dessen bewusst, Auserkorene! Denn mit Licht soll Euer Dasein erfüllt sein und hoch werden Euch die Stufen, die Ihr jetzt steigt, führen.

(German: The radiance of your faith must be inextinguishable. The walls of My Temple must become indestructible. The chain—unbreakable. In pure heart, follow the highest path. With easy steps run from evil, and your brain should not be filled with madness. The task is too great, and the value of My Will is sacred.

My foot shall crush what is to be destroyed. My grace radiates goodness, and if I turn away, the sun will go out for you. Remember this, you—the chosen! For your existence must be filled with light, and the steps you are now ascending will lead you high.)


Sit silently. (Remain silent).

The visions followed.

I entrust the book of Urusvati to Poruma, Modra, and Radna.[32] “Finish what you have started.”


17 March 1923, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

“Already you begin to fly about the world in thought.

Already you begin to vanquish the oceans’ span.

Already you know the joy of creating.

Already you sing the ecstasy of making life beautiful.

Already much has been accomplished.

My friends! Why not resolve to pass your entire lives as heroes?

And if I say, “You may rest awhile,”

This means that I know, for I guard you.

302.jpgI said it.”[33]

Visions of S. M. Shafran, written from her words:

1.      Exclamation: “Poor people!” A small apartment, one teenager, and another young man. One coughs, the other clutches at his heart. They are really sick.

2.      Exclamation: “What a long street! What a big man!” A very long street, a lot of people—everyone must pass it. At the entrance sits an unusually large figure of a man made of metal (old gold). On its right side, stands a person and cutting off pieces of metal, gives a piece to each one passing by; people are unhappy, for someone got the big piece and someone got the small piece. They fight and try to take from each other. The figure of a man at each blow seemed to twist because it felt pain. When people passed the street and came to the other side, everything was taken away from them.

3.      Two women carry a white banner with an inscription; people stand and laugh. The old man from the visions and S.M. stand opposite [?]. S.M. asks, “Why are they laughing?” The old man tells her to watch. The women continue walking without paying attention to the mockery. Slowly, the people stopped laughing and joined the banner, and the crowd was growing and growing.

4.      One very old woman sits and cries; she lost her husband and remained alone. Exclamation: “Poor old lady!”


“Morya’s path grows not less glorious as the days go by; the cares that beset the way are tests for the travelers, and they must be overcome even as stones upon the path. Grow not weary for much has already been accomplished. Much is already endured, and much already canceled from thy balance. The hours of labor are filled with travail, and the way is not easy. But at its end lies the glory of redemption. Then walk the given way in pride each.

— COME ON. —

On the way, the many shall come and whisper to the words of Death. Regard them not and all will be open unto thee. Fearlessly, doubtlessly you walk to victory, and My Shield is over thee.”*


“All those who search for the Wisdom, who will bring Beauty to the world, and who will follow My Instructions and Commandments, will receive the opportunity of seeing those beautiful mountains. The path is not easy but not impossible. You know the rules. I said it.”*


“With Knowledge you shall proceed, observe nature, and see the Beauties of Creation. Follow your heart in all decisions. Learn the joy of creation. Follow the path of sacrifice; be heroic in all your deeds.”*


“Und wenn Ihr vom Gipfel in die Tiefe hinuntersteigt, und Euch manches grau erscheint, so wisst, das ist nur ein leichten Schleier, das Schöne birgt. Und wenn ein Wunsch nicht in Erfüllung kommt, so lächelnd entsagt und hoffend wartet. Keine Enttäuschung soll auf Euren Wege geben. Glaube, Liebe, Güte, Weisheit.”

(Germ: When you descend from the mountains to the valleys, something may seem gray to you, but know it is just a light haze hiding the Beauty. And if some wish does not come true, renounce it smilingly, hope and wait further. There should be no disappointments on your way. Faith, love, goodness, and wisdom.)

24 March 1923, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

On the memorable day of March 24, the book was started, and today put the same date at the end of the first book.

And every year on this day, you shall gather in My Name.

March 24 will be My Day and a Day of Events.

“At present you encounter four types of people:

The first is fighting under Our Shield;

The second fights without Our protection, but already is completing the payment of

its karmic debts;

The third wanders and gropes, blinded by the dark veil of its fate;

The fourth comprises the enemies of Light.

“The first ones will understand your call.

The second will quiver with expectancy.

The third will indifferently turn their heads away.

And the fourth will answer you, arrow for arrow.

“Thus, do not impose the Teaching.

Each word falls on appropriate ground.

The destined word will be received.

Likewise, do not reject nor deny.

Each opinion is already a manifest action.

What is the sense of denying a fire that is already ablaze?

Yet cover the fire and its force will disappear.

Likewise, nothing is gained by contradicting others’ opinions;

But cover the negative judgment with Our Teaching,

And the entire city of the enemy will be covered by the vault of Our Brotherhood,

for this dome accommodates all.”[34]

Let this day be dedicated to Me!

For one day, you will gather in rest and in silence. And for a long time, unite your thoughts about Me and about Mine.

“I give you shelter, I give you strength.

I give you a path of beauty.

I have spoken.”[35] March 24, 1923.


Visions of S. M. Shafran.

1. Two women—one is young, another middle-aged. The young woman was holding a paper and reading something. Both were glad that they managed to lure out the document. The young woman was below average growth, brunette.

2. A young girl was holding a muffin in her hands, ready to eat it. She broke it, and there was a big worm inside.

3. A male head, very nice face, middle-aged. A laurel wreath on his head.

4. A cell, in which S.M. had already been once, and the same big book there, and the ‘grandpa’ writing something in it. To S.M.’s question, what is he writing—“I write wisdom, but not everyone understands it.” Exclamation: “Grandpa, what are you writing?”

5. A big mountain, and Master Morya stands and holds a pigeon in his hands. The Master let him go, dove flies and sits on E.R.’s shoulder. In his beak there is a small white flag on which it is written: “I am proud of you.”

“My greetings to you, Urusvati.”


“Morya’s Day—March 24.

On this day gather together the elect and tell them the glorious tale of the revelation. Consecrate this day to Me and let thy prayer rise upwards to the Abodes of the Glorious Ones.

Day of Rejoicing, day of Blessings, day of Light. Above the Brotherhood looks down upon thee and marks the accomplishment of the year.

This day shall mark the new year for thee, on this make thy account.

Not meaningless to those who come shall be this day. It shall be as a holiday of Glory in the future. Heaven shall know to reveal its glory on My day, and men shall hallow it with prayer and paean. On this day I shall send to thee My Blessings.

Warriors and Children, hallow the Name of thy Father.”*


Gedenkt, dass am Tage der größten Offenbarung, wo Ihr das Antlitz des Wahrsten und Schönsten erblickt habt, musst Ihr bewusst sein der Taten, die Ihr ans Altar gebracht habt. Eure Taten müssen Euch wehrt Eurer leitenden Händen machen und den Weg zu Uns zeigen. Angst zur Erfüllung soll's [noch] Keine geben, weder Zweifel—beide sind feindlich gesinnt und Euer Wille wie Glaube soll sie zerschmettern.

Meine Strahlen werden Euch helfen, jedoch muss das Wollen stets da sein.

(Germ: Remember, that on the day of the greatest revelation, when you see the face of the highest truth and beauty, you must realize all the actions you have brought to the altar. Your actions should make you worthy of a leading hand and direct you to Us. We admit neither fear of the assignment, nor doubt—both are hostile, and your will and trust must crush them.

My rays will help you, but your desire must be constant.)

To Horch: Contemplate jointly My day.

My greetings to you, Urusvati.

I sense.

31 March 1923, evening, Holy Easter


Automatic writing of N.R.:

“In the sacred evening of the Greatest Holy Day,

In the Name of the Universal Symbol, I say to you:

You have been admitted to the task of building the New World.

I say to you: Strengthen your eyes, that you be not blinded when I raise the hem of the veil of the Future.

“Should confusion arise in you, raise the shield of devotion;

For by it you will be saved.

And repeat My Instructions—I say to you—repeat.”[36]

Why . . .

Difficult . . .

Wherefrom . . .

Too much . . .

Is it so . . .

Shortly . . .

But at the end . . .

Thundering . . .

Affirm instructions . . .

“I have said it.”[37]

Visions of S. M. Shafran

1. A muscular man of enormous height, barefoot, approached the School house and attempted to destroy it. He grabbed the corner to shake it and two stones fell out. Exclamation during the vision: “My goodness, what is he doing!!”

2. A long street, people walk along it, all barefoot, S.M. as well. The street is covered either with sand or hot ashes, all people walk and burn their feet. S.M. has burnt all her feet. Exclamation during the vision: “How hot!”

3. Vision of the Horches, perplexed by something, at that very moment a wall raised and hid them from S.M.

4. Vision of an old man: “Did you all gathered for the guard?” S.M.’s answer: “Yes.”—“Well, that is good: Look around and around, and you will see a lot.” S.M.’s exclamations: “Hello, grandpa,” “Yes.”


“Morya’s Commands.

Fulfill their order to the letter and the spirit. Time is precious and each hour’s work waits upon the work of hours before; then waste not a moment in the labor, the energy of Our Order must be spared. Follow the path as it is designated and laid out, for the byway may lead to obstacles unforeseen; the direct path is cleared for victory—why hinder the way? There is a vast work to be accomplished, precious are the seconds and moments.

On this night the resurrection is foreseen. The night holds in its symbol a lesson for those who wish to serve. The symbol of a crucifixion and the final victory light onto all mankind trough sacrifice. The sins of the world are lifted upon the labors of the Saviors . . .

Remember the victory and the glorification in self-annihilation, then hail the light, set thyself to the task, read the commandments, understand them and labor increasingly.

This is My word.”*


Und was ist Macht, wenn sie zum eigennützen Zweck gebraucht wird?

Und was ist ein Schatz, der in Dunklen für den eigenen Gebrauch geborgt wird? Und was ist Freude, die nicht geleitet werden sollte?! Und wie schwer ist Leid, dass allein getragen werden muss!?

Und wie leer das Herz, wenn's Licht darin fürs Ewige, Reine und Unauslöschliche nicht mehr brennt? Und wie öde der Garten, wenn die Quelle nicht mehr sprießt? Und wie unnutz das Dasein, wenn man ins Nichts hinüber blickt und den Ausweg nicht findet. Wenn einst das Tor zum Edlen und Weisen geöffnet würde, der sole’s nimmer vor sich zuschließen sehen, sondern nur hinter ihm. Dessen seid bewusst und bereit. ”

(Germ: What is power if it is used for personal purposes?

And what is the treasure hidden in darkness for your own enjoyment? What is joy that no one can share?! And how hard is the grief to bear alone!

And how empty is one’s heart, if a desire for the eternal, pure, imperishable is extinguished? And how deserted is a garden if the spring is dry? And how vain is the existence, when you look into the void and find no way out? If the gates of Good and Wisdom are once open, they should be closed only behind the entering one. Realize this and be ready.)

“I feel that you can understand. I am speaking about serious matters.”[38]

Tell Poruma, let her carry the Banner high.

Urusvati, explain her Fuyama’s talisman.

“I can raise My Hand for the chosen ones. I will hold high a shield.”[39]

I have placed My daughter amidst you. My daughterUrusvati.

Be more careful with the translation.

“Denarius, accursed offspring, obstruct not the path of Light!

Denarius, belittle not a pure manifestation.”[40]

Count the hours, but decision is immutable.

I sense, you must be guarded from the muzzle.

I sense, you must be guarded from silent enemies.

I sense, you must be guarded from the servants of strangers.

I sense, you must be guarded from the hands of the court.

I sense, you must be guarded from the wonder of lies.

“Do not fail to see the clouds—

Life is joyful for him who has wings.

My Smile shields you.”[41]


7 April 1923, evening


Automatic writing of N.R.:

“Some will come and say, “We know.”

You should reply, “Good! Since you know, you can go back home.”

Some will come more aggressively and say,

“We know who stands behind you.”

Say to them, “Good! If you know, you will not speak thus.”

Some will come to play dice on the steps of the Temple, and will cast lots about you.

Say to them, “Pass on, people, lest lightning strike you here.”

But here comes one who says to you, “I do not know,

And here I have brought all my possessions with me. What shall I do with them?”

Say to him, “Come, cross the threshold. We will find a place for you at our long table; if you do not now know, then you will know.”

“Therefore, again I say:

Weary Me, lade Me with all the burdens of the world.

I will not tire. I will not succumb to fatigue;

For I do not know what fatigue is—I scorn it.

And I ask you to burden Me, for in no other way is the garden of beauty reached.

I have spoken.”[42]


“Few will be the searching ones who will come. The scoffers and the sycophants will be many, but those who come in humility and in reverence shall be rare, for the spirit flowered into such attainment and faith is rare. And mankind beholding a beauty beyond its comprehension prefers to sneer and deride. Derision, ridicule, jest—all these are the signs of the vagrant beings, in these poor shelters they find fitting dwelling; but for the spirit grown wise humility is the loveliest mantle, and reverence—the most sacred haven. Then demean not yourselves by receiving into thy counsels those vain in heart and superficial in attainment, but into those sweeter spirits who see the shrine within thy Dwelling open thy hearts and clasp their hands in brotherhood.

The army of workers is not gathered in a day, not without tireless labor shall the work assert itself, but those who have received the bounty of mission must come, their hands filled with gifts to the Altar. Eternal is the labor to be accomplished, tireless must be the true Apostle. Stone upon stone must he bring to construct his dwelling, and the monument to his effort must be ever growing, never completed. You are building thy dwellings of tomorrow by the efforts of today. Lay the foundations broad and solid and the towers of it shall reach the heavens.

Build tirelessly, accept the faithful and thy dwelling shall house the spirit of the Lord Creator.”*


Ein Windstoss, eine Welle kann ein wandelndes Schifflein umstürzen, jedoch wenn man die Segel festhalte, so kann das wieder empor gebracht werden.

Nach Pein kommt Erbarmen, und der Gebende ist seliger den[n] der Empfangende. Ihr, die empfangen habt das Höchste, was Menschensinn und Macht und Hand je geschaffen hat, Ihr, Ihr, Ihr sollt den größten Schatz im Ehren behalten, denn es wird das Heiligste aller Heiligsten sein für suchende Seelen. Und mehr denn Tausende werden am Anblick des wunderbarsten Ausspruches einer großen, edlen und heiligen Seele dastehen, bewundern und geheilt werden.

Ich befehle, Ich will, Ich will, Ich will. Die heutigen Lehren sollen und müssen gesehen werden: am 22 Oktober, am 13 November, am 5 Dezember, am 1 Januar, am 11 Februar, am 18 März, am 27 April, am 6 Mai, am 20 Juni.

(Germ: A gust of wind or a wave can overturn a sailing ship, but if you hold the sails firmly, you can withstand.

After suffering, deliverance follows, and the one who gives is holier than the one who receives. You, who have accepted the highest that the human hand, power, and soul have ever created, you, you, you must protect in honor the highest jewel, for it is the holiest of the holy for the seekers. Moreover, thousands will be healed through admiration before the miraculous scriptures.

I order, I desire, I desire, I desire. Today’s instructions should be read on October 22, November 13, December 5, January 1, February 11, March 18, April 27, May 6, June 20.)

Let us see the visions (three visions).

Visions of S. M. Shafran.

1.      A middle-aged man with yellow face, not European type, taller than average, angrily walking around the room, worrying and trying to call someone on the phone. Dressed in European style.

2.      A woman, very poorly dressed, a little girl beside her, both dark-skinned with disheveled hair, the woman looks about forty years old. Everyone present at the sight of this woman began to spit, and with each spit a tooth fell off. Exclamation during the vision: “What is this about?”

3.      A very high narrow house, round dome at the top, and from this dome on the thinnest thread hold on, as if hanging, three people. It seemed that they were about to break loose. Exclamation during the vision: “My goodness, how frightening!”

Watch one more (one vision).

4.      A tall man, thin, with a narrow beard, Russian type. Grey coat, grey shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, pants twisted above the knees, barefoot. Beside him—a basket filled with fish. He lit a cigarette and with such pleasure dragged on, that the taste and sensation of pleasure passed on to Sofia Mikhailovna. She felt it was the greatest pleasure for him, and nothing else existed for him now.

The words of M.M.—observe Me (a very lengthy one).

5.      Wide gates, on one side of them a fair or orgy going on, something like that. The atmosphere is terrible, heavy evaporation, the restaurant—people drink and dance. A small room—people argue. A bank—people count money. Some office, a man runs to the phone, worried, his face distorted.

On the other side of the gate—is a wonderful garden and flowers of extraordinary beauty. It is impossible to convey the fullness of life, beauty and harmony of this garden. Among the flowers from the ground rose a bronze figure of N.K.R. Three women entered, wearing long white robes, all three were hugging each other with one hand, and in the other held a wreath with an inscription on it: “To the world artist and the best person.” From the right side appeared M.M., took the wreath and placed it on N.R. With the appearance of M.M. the life in the garden as if intensified—flowers started breathing and moving.

Words of M.M. after the end of the vision: Thus I say. Urusvati, thrice called!

Labor—peace unto you.


Exclamations during the vision:

“My goodness, they dance and drink.”

“How beautiful, the flowers!”

“M.M., my greetings!!! (My Master).”

When M.M. appeared, he slightly nodded his head at S.M.’s greeting. The flowers started breathing and moving.

* This message was given in English, therefore remains unchanged and unedited to maintain its original exactness. [From now on to (short version): Original English text]—Trans.

[1] Readers’ Note: In the original text, the initials of Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich, and their sons, George and Svetoslav, usually appear in their Russian form, therefore in the translation we chose to transliterate them: N.R. (Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerikh for Nicholas Roerich; E.R. (Elena Ivanovna Rerikh) for Helena Roerich; Y.R. (Yuri Nikolayevich Rerikh, also Yurik) for George Roerich; Sv.R. (Sviatoslav Nikolayevich Rerikh, also Svetoslav, Svetik) for Svetoslav Roerich.—Ed.

[2] The names of the Authors of the messages are presented by their initials (in bold).—Ed.

[3] The initials “N.R.” refer to Nicholas Roerich, the transliterated name of Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerikh.—Ed.

[4] Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One: The Call (New York: Agni Yoga Society, Inc. Online edition 2019), 375. [From now on to (short title) LOMG I—Ed.]

[5] “Modra” is the spiritual name for Frances Grant.Ed.

* Original English text—Trans.

This message was given in German, therefore remains unchanged and unedited to maintain its original exactness. [From now on to (short version): Original German text]—Trans.

[6] “Odomar” is the spiritual name for Louis Horch (also referred to as “Logvan,” “warrior,” and “Fuyama’s hand.”)—Ed.

[7] “Poruma” or “Porooma” is the spiritual name for Nettie Horch.Ed.

[8] “Oyana” is the spiritual name for Esther (Enta) Lichtmann.—Ed.

* Original English text—Trans.

[9] For the date of 16 December 1922, the last words in each sentence which were underlined in the original Notebooks. They will appear in a different font—Calibri. These words are: Heart, each other, believe, countries, Safeguard. And comply with the Ordinance, and My Ordinance.—Ed.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

[10] LOMG I, 381.

[11] LOMG I, 382.

[12] LOMG I, 382.

[13] LOMG I, 382.

[14] LOMG I, 382.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English text—Trans.

[15] LOMG I, 388.

[16] In the handwritten original Notebooks, there were underlines to emphasize certain words. We have indicated these throughout the published version with Calibri font from here on.—Ed.

Original German text—Trans.

[17] “Jeroboam” is Sinaida Grigorievna Fosdick (Lichtmann).Ed.

[18] “Avirach” is the spiritual name for Maurice (Nutsya) Moiseevich Lichtmann.Ed.

[19] LOMG I, 390.

* Original English text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

[20] Refer to footnote 16.

[21] Refer to footnote 16.

[22] Refer to footnote 16.

[23] LOMG I, 395.

[24] LOMG I, 395.

* Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

* Original English Text—Trans.

[25] LOMG I, 398.

* Original English Text—Trans.

[26] LOMG I, 410.

[27] LOMG I, 411.

[28] LOMG I, 412.

[29] LOMG I, 413.

[30] LOMG I, 413.

* Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

[31] LOMG I, 417.

* Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans

[32] “Radna” is the spiritual name for Sinaida Grigorievna Fosdick (Litchmann). She is also referred to as “Sohraya” and “Jeroboam.”Ed.

*Original English Text—Trans.

[33] LOMG I, 420.

*Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

*Original English Text—Trans.

[34] LOMG I, 424.

[35] LOMG I, 424.

[36] LOMG I, 428.

[37] LOMG I, 428.

*Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.

[38] LOMG I, 428.

[39] LOMG I, 428.

[40] LOMG I, 428.

[41] LOMG I, 428.

[42] LOMG I, 435.

* Original English Text—Trans.

Original German text—Trans.