Dr. Alena Adamkova
2002-2012 IRMT Executive Director/Curator
FROM 01.01.2002 TILL 08.09.2012
INTERNATIONAL ROERICH MEMORIAL TRUST Hall Estate Naggar, 175 130 Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh INDIA
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"Art will unify all humanity. Art is one - indivisible. Art has its many branches, yet all are one. Art is the manifestation of the coming synthesis. Art is for all. Everyone will enjoy true art. The gates of the 'Sacred Source' must be wide open for everybody, and the light of art will influence numerous hearts with a new love. At first this feeling will be unconscious, but after all it will purify human consciousness, and how many young hearts are searching for something real and beautiful! So, give it to them. Bring art to the people where it belongs. We should have not only museums, theatres, universities, public libraries, railway stations and hospitals, but even prisons decorated and beautified. Then we shall have no more prisons."
Nicholas Roerich, 'Paths of Blessings'
International Roerich Memorial Trust is located in the picturesque Kullu valley, in the village of Naggar, which is situated at the altitude of 1760 meters. In December 1928, Roerich's family moved to the Western Himalayas and decided to settle in the 'Valley of Gods'. Kullu Valley is often described both in Indian and Tibetan literature. The most ancient path from India to Tibet goes along the Beas river, path to Kailas, Ladakh, Chotan, and from there, through the Gobi desert to the very Altai. According to legends, Buddha and Padma Sambhava walked in this valley; Arjuna and other Pandavas lived here. Saint Vyasa, the great compiler of the Mahabharata and Puranas labored on the banks of Beas river. Alexander Makedonsky with his army reached this place. The most ancient cultural memorials, from more than two thousand years ago were preserved here - copper artifacts from the 4th and 5th century, Himalayan miniatures from 14 - 15th centuries; picturesque ruins - remains of fourteen Buddhist monasteries which existed in Kullu valley according to ancient manuscripts.
Naggar village |
Beas river |
Naggar Temple |
George Roerich wrote: "The Himalayas, which for centuries have inspired Hindu and Buddhist thought and art, embrace in their snows some of the most famed sanctuaries of India, worshipped for thousands of years. In the strange and beautiful Kullu valley alone are structures, groves and nooks sacred to 360 gods. Kullu collected all sublime names of the humanity - Manu, Buddha, Arjuna, Pandava heroes, Vyasa, Gessar khan. And Akbar the great, whose image is kept in Malana temple, and all masters and heroes, who either by sword or in spirit won great battles."
"Study of folklore, of comparative languages and dialects, of customs and physical and racial characteristics, promise rich yields for the research scientist in ethnography. All that is possible in Kullu valley, where 'an incomprehensible conglomerate of ancient hill tribes are massed together', little touched by civilization; where a mingling of races old and new have produced individual types and strange religions; where ancient costume festivals, glowing with ritual and symbol are still intact."
"Guga Chohan is one of the mighty protectors of the Kullu valley. There is his statue on the horseback, and also the goddess Kali, Rishi Kartik, and Narsing - the guardian of this place. We assembled their images around our house, bringing them from the old, ruined temple", wrote Nicholas Roerich.
Statues of Guga Chohan and his family |
Roerich's House at the Hall Estate |
The joint labor of the Roerich's family during their famous Central Asiatic Expedition (1924-28) created a wondrous mosaics of the successions of ages and nations, destructions and re-creations in the cultures of the bygone epochs, and brought to light the evolutional predestination of the Central Asia in the future spiritual revival of the humanity.
It became necessary to establish a special institute for research of the countless material collected by the expedition, and for the development of the varied spheres of arts and sciences. On 24th of July, 1928 were laid foundations of the 'Urusvati' Himalayan Research Institute. 'Uru' and 'Svati' - ancient names from Agni Puranas, mean - 'Light of the Morning Star'. Helena Roerich became the Honorary President-Founder, Nicholas Roerich its President-Founder, and George its Director.
Nicholas and Helena Roerich with their sons George and Svetoslav. Naggar, 1930-ies |
Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute at present |
"The center should be developed into a city of knowledge. In this city we wish to create a synthesis of scientific achievements. Therefore, all branches of science should eventually be established there. And, since the source of knowledge lies in the Cosmos, the co-workers of the scientific center should belong to the whole world - that is, should include all nationalities. And, as the Cosmos is indivisible in all its functions, the scientists of the world should be indivisible in their achievements." (Thus wrote Helena Roerich about the tasks of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute)
Legacy and spiritual message of the Roerichs left to us became the basis of the foundation of the present International Roerich Memorial Trust, which was founded in 1992 by Dr Svetoslav Roerich, for the purpose of collecting, preserving, extending and administering for the benefit of humanity the scientific, educational, research, cultural and artistic works and activities established by the members of the Roerich family.
Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. A.M.Kadakin, previously closely associated with the Roerich family, Life and Founder Trustee, as well as the Trust's Vice-President, has been for years the moving spirit behind the development of the Trust and promotion of the Roerich's heritage as the symbol of Indo-Russian and international cultural and spiritual cooperation.
Former Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri A.B.Vajpayee was the Patron of the Trust; and the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Shri Prem Kumar Dhumal is the President of the Board of Trustees (2008-2012).
Many new developments have taken place since the inception of the Trust, and especially in recent times:
- Reconstruction of many old buildings at the premises of the Trust;
- construction of new buildings;
- new, properly functioning infrastructure is being created;
- publishing activity (books, brochures, reproductions of paintings, posters) has been initiated;
- temporary art exhibitions are continuously taking place in the Trust;
- international cooperation is more active and covers many countries;
- Helena Roerich Art College has been opened for the local children,
- project of setting up Multipurpose Art and Cultural Centre which will include International College of Fine Arts has been initiated.
Following is the brief account of current activities of the Trust:
Roerich Memorial House
Drawing room of the Roerichs |
Library |
Helena Roerich's study room |
Visitors can see (through the windows along the balcony around the house) inner arrangement of the rooms as it was during the Roerich's times; car that belonged to the Roerich family; Sculptures of Guga Chohan and Rani Raj Mata - spiritual protectors of the valley.
Nicholas Roerich Art Gallery
Permanent exhibition of the original paintings of Nicholas Roerich and Svetoslav Roerich is set up in the House, in 3 halls (in former N.Roerich's studio and George Roerich's office).
Nicholas Roerich Art Gallery |
The IRMT Art Gallery has 37 original paintings of Nicholas Roerich, and 11 paintings of Svetoslav Roerich. |
Digital frame has been set up in one hall, displaying to visitors around 800 paintings of Nicholas Roerich. |
Samadhi of Nicholas Roerich
Below the Roerich's house, in the middle of the enclosed quiet and green glade stands a big piece of rock - memorial of Nicholas Roerich, placed at his cremation spot. Under the sign of the Banner of Peace it is engraved in Hindi language: "The body of Maharishi Nicholas Roerich, a great friend of India, was consecrated to fire on this spot on the 15th of December 1947. OM RAM."
Rock-memorial of Nicholas Roerich |
Here also, under the old branchy lime trees planted by the Roerichs during their life here, is the Samadhi of Devika Rani Roerich. According to Devika Rani's wish, one part of her ashes remained in Bangalore, another immersed in the Beas river, and third part was placed here, under her beloved lime tree.
Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani Roerich Memorial
Above this glade, closer back to the main House, is situated a small building, former studio of Svetoslav Roerich. Memorial of Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani has been set up here, displaying personal belongings of the illustrious couple besides reproductions of S.Roerich's paintings, books and photos.
Studio of Dr. Svetoslav Roerich |
Former Chief Minister of H.P.Sh.Virbhadra Singh during the inauguration of the Memorial, on the 30th October 2004 |
Public road divides main part of the Roerich Estate from its upper portion - 200 meters above the main House, on the hill, encompassed by the ancient strong cedar trees, stand two former buildings of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute. One was turned into the
Urusvati Folk Art Museum
It contains a number of original, ancient sculptures collected by the Roerichs, contemporary exhibits of traditional costumes, cultural and ethnographical objects from the Kullu valley and other mountain regions. It also exhibits reproductions of Nicholas Roerich paintings; paintings of Indian and Russian artists from their painting workshops; small 'Russian room' containing some dresses and ethnographical objects from Russia.
Himalayan Folk Art Museum |
Inside the exhibition hall |
Adjoining is the Urusvati Research Institute |
Permanent exhibition: 'George Roerich - Director of the Urusvati Institute' that displays original belongings of George Roerich, and of other family members, ancient coins and weapons collected during the Central Asiatic expedition, books, photos, maps, etc.
The exhibition: 'George Roerich - Director of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' |
"Culture is reverence of light. Culture is love of humanity. Culture is fragrance, the unity of life and beauty. Culture is the synthesis of uplifting and sensitive attainments. Culture is the armour of light. Culture is salvation. Culture is the motivating power. Culture is the heart." (N.Roerich.)
One of the main task of the IRMT cultural work is to identify and invite talented local artists (most of them are self-taught) and help them to organize their exhibitions, thus giving them wider exposure, contacts and encouragement for their further professional growth. Professional Indian and foreign artists also like to exhibit here, feeling serenity and creative atmosphere of the place, as well as the natural beauty of the valley and snow clad mountains.
Following Art exhibitions have been organized by the Trust from the year 2002:
- 17.10.2002 - 30.10.02 - 'Himalayan Saga' - 76 original paintings by Nicholas Roerich from 8 art institutions of India.
- May, 2002 - 'Flowers', Photo exhibition by S.Lopatin, Novosibirsk, Russia
- May, 2003 - 40 Reproductions of Nicholas Roerich's paintings, presented to the IRMT by Samara Roerich Society, Russia and Russian Embassy, New Delhi.
- 03.05.03 - 30.05.03 - 'Music of the Mountains'- Paintings by Sukh Dass, Lahul, H.P.
- 01.06.03 - 22.06.03 - 'Kullu Kaleidoscope'- Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P.
- 26.06.03 - 27.07.03 - 'One of its Kind' - Stone Paintings by Prashant Sharma, Manali, H.P.
- 09.10.03 - 01.12.03 - 'Rhythm of Malana' - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P.
- 16.04.2004 - 21.08.04 - 'Colors of Kullu' - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P.
- 01.05.04 - still on; - 'Flowers' through Kirlian's effect, the greatest scientific discovery of the XXth century - Photo exhibition by Sergei Lopatin, Novosibirsk, Russia
- 05.06.04 - 21.08.04 - 'Expression of a Youth' - Water colors paintings by Prabir Dutta, Calcutta, West Bengal
- 26.08.04 - 03.10.04 - 'Harmony' - Water colors paintings by Uma Bhardwaj, Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh
- September, 04 - still on' - 'Solar Images' - carved wooden images by Valeriy Lipenkov, Novosibirsk, Russia (carvings were donated to the IRMT by the artist)
- 09.10.04 - 26.10.04 - 'The Journey' - Paintings and photos by Sheetal Rana, Varanasi
- 09.10.04 - 20.07.2008 - 'Children paint Sun'- paintings of Russian children brought by their teacher, V.Lipenkov, Novosibirsk, Russia
- 30.10.04 - 10.04.05 - 'Flowers' - Photo exhibition by Ashwini Bhatia, Dharamsala, H.P.
- 30.10.04 - 28.04.05 - 'Symphony' - Reproductions of M.Chiurlionis's paintings, donated to the IRMT by the Lithuanian Roerich Society
- 21.11.04 - 15.10.05 - Paintings by the children from 'Echo' Art Studio, St.Petersburg, Russia
- 24.12.04 - 24.02.05 'Indian Culture and Gods' - Water colors paintings by Naveen Uppal, Phagwara, Punjab
- 27.02.2005 - 12.04.05 - 'Colors of Life' - Emboss paintings by Vijay Kumar Mehta, Kullu
- 15.04.05 - 30.05.05 - 'The Sound of Silence' - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P.
- 15.04.05 - 29.04.05 - '70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace' - Photo exhibition from the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, Russia
- 15.04.05 - 07.08.05 - Painting exhibition by students of Helena Roerich Art College, IRMT
- 01.05.05 - 28.05.05 - 'Vibration of Nature' - Painting exhibition by Prabir and Banasree Dutta, Shyamnagar, West Bengal
- 05.06.05 - 12.06.05 - 'Russia and Europe' - Painting Exhibition by T.Vavrzhina, Moscow, Russia.
- 29.05.05 - 03.07.05 - 'Driftwood Beauty' - Exhibition of drift wood objects by Durga Prasad Rao, Bandrol, Kullu distt., H.P.
- 19.06.05 - 19.07.05 - Painting exhibition by Om Chand Sharma, Mandi, H.P.
- 02.08.05 - 15.08.05 - 'Metamorphosis' - Painting exhibition by Joong B.Kim, USA
- 09.08.05 - 01.08.06 - 'Ladakh' - Photo exhibition by Alexander Titov, Moscow, Russia
- 09.10.05 - 25.11.05 - Biennal Illustrations of Bratislava - Exhibition of reproductions of best paintings from BIB, Slovakia
- 09.10.05 - 26.11.05 - 'When deities descend…' - Exhibition of wooden carved sculptures by Ses Ram, Rumsu, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh
- 27.11.05 - 01.03.06 - 'From the Carpathians to Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Vladimir Kozar, Kiev, Ukraine
- 16.04.2006 - 30.04.06 - 'Drift Wood Art' - Exhibition of drift wood art objects by Puneet Mahant, Duwara village, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh
- 23.04.06 - 13.05.06 - 'Chitralekha' - Painting exhibition by Ravi Kant Jha and Rita Kulkarni, Madhya Pradesh, India
- 30.04.06 - 31.05.06 - 'Beauty of Himachal Pradesh' - Painting exhibition by Sudarshan Kumar, Raison, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh
- 14.05.06 - 10.06.06 - 'Echo of the Heart' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Meagher, USA
- 11.06.06 - 23.06.06 - 'Himalayan Portraits' - Photo exhibition by Thomas Shor, USA
- 23.07.06 - 19.08.06 - 'By Roerich's Paths…' - Painting exhibition by Vladimir Kozar, Kiev, Ukraine
- 13.08.06 - 20.08.06 - 'Blessed colors' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Bhavya Singh, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
- 20.08.06 - 15.09.06 'Himalayas through the eyes of the Russian Artist' - Painting exhibition by Alexander Egorov, Moscow, Russia
- 27.08.06 - 10.09.06 - 'Glimpses of Nature' - Painting exhibition by Naveen Barongpa, Lahul, Himachal Pradesh
- 17.09.06 - 06.10.06 'Shikhara' - Painting exhibition by Naveen Dhiman from Sunder Nagar, Himachal Pradesh and Sushma from Jalandhar, Punjab
- 09.10.06 - 27.10.06 'Flux and Flow'- Painting exhibition by Payson R. Stevens, USA
- 09.10.06 - 03.11.06 'Unity' - Exhibition of digitized paintings by Neha Sharma, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
- 09.10.06 - 15.07.08 'Image of the Sun'- paintings of Russian children brought by their teacher, V.Lipenkov, Novosibirsk, Russia
- 09.10.06 - 15.07.08 'Helena Roerich Art College' - photo exhibition on the work of the Art College, and selected paintings by children from Painting department.
- 29.10.06 - 06.11.06 'Rostov - the Soul of Russia' - Painting exhibition by 7 Russian artists from different cities, and photo exhibition from Rostov.
- 05.11.06 - 24.11.06 Painting exhibition by Rubel Pasricha, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
- 26.11.06 - 09.03.07 Painting exhibition by Bharat Thakur, Raison, Himachal Pradesh
- 06.03.2007 - 21.4. 'Roerich designs on Kullu shawls' - Weaving exhibition by Vishwanath, Kullu, H.P.
- 11.03. - 06.04. Painting exhibition by Renu Marwaha, Bajaura, Himachal Pradesh
- 25.03. - 20.04. 'Russian children paint India' - Painting exhibition of 77 paintings by Russian children, brought by the representative of their Riazan 'Raduga' School of Art, Russia
- 08.04. - 04.05. Painting exhibition by Ashok Bodh, Naggar, Himachal Pradesh
- 22.04. - 04.05. Wood inlays paintings by V.Subra Mani, Mysore, Karnataka
- 22.04. - 15.06. Photo exhibition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Russian- Indian diplomatic relations
- 06.05. - 10.05. 'Prism' 2007 - A group show by Fine Arts students, Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar
- 06.05. - 01.06. Oil paintings exhibition by Neha Sharma and Divya Sharma
- 27.05. - 16.06. 'Tal' - Painting exhibition by Vinintha Anand, Trivandrum, Kerala
- 03.06. - 09.06 'Anubhuti' - Painting exhibition by Sunil Joshi, Rajasthan
- 10.06. - 16.06 'The Path' - Painting exhibition by Jaswant Singh Rajpurohit, Rajasthan
- 17.06. - 13.07 'Lahul' - Painting exhibition by Ranjit Dogre, Lahul & Spiti
- 17.06. - 13.07. 'Wild & the Wilderness in Himalayas' - Photo exhibition by Ashwani Kaul, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
- 15.07. - 14.08. 'Tribute' - Painting exhibition by Veena Harrison, Naggar, Himachal Pradesh
- 16.08. - 21.08. 'Buddhist Thangkhas Art' - Painting exhibition by students of Tibetan Children Village School, Patlikhul, Himachal Pradesh
- 16.08. - 16.09. 'Buddhist Deities' - Painting exhibition by Naresh, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
- 09.10. - 15.07.08 Carving exhibition of the students of the Helena Roerich Art College
- 28.10. - 20.11. Medicinal herbs exhibition, by the IRMT
- 04.11.- 28.11. 'Holy Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Moscow, Russia
- 22.02.2008. - 26.03. 'Early religious architecture in Russia' - Photo exhibition by Boris Vinnikov, Moscow, Russia
- 18.03. - 28.03. National Painters Camp'2008 exhibition, Lalit Kala Academi, Delhi
- 13.04. - 03.05. 'Glimpses of Nature' - Painting exhibition by Hira Singh Negi, Bhuntar, Himachal Pradesh
- 20.04. - 20.07. Painting exhibition by Ashok Bodh, Naggar, Himachal Pradesh
- 25.05. - 08.06. 'Revelation' - Painting exhibition by Pradip Ghosh, Delhi
- 24.06. - 13.06 'Kullu designs' - Traditional Kullu Weaving art exhibition by Vishwanath Nair, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh India, held at the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, Russia
- 06.07. - 20.07. 'Prayas' - Painting exhibition by Vivek Sharma, Mohal, Kullu, H.P.
- 24.07. - 07.09. 'Beyond Strokes' - Painting exhibition by Kiran Soni Gupta, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
- 24.07. - on '80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' - Photo exhibition; Archive material exhibition from the Urusvati Institute (botanical, medicinal, mineralogical, linguistic, zoological, ornithological items)
- 28.09. - 05.10. 'Devbhoomi' - Painting exhibition of landscapes, by S.K.Shinde, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
- 09.10. - 06.11. 'Infinity' - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Moscow, Russia
- 24.03.2009 - 01.04. 'Soul Aspirations' - Exhibition of painting and weaving works from Saratov's Government Technical Institute, Russia
- 05.04. - 27.5. Helena Roerich Art College: 2003-2009 Exhibition of painting, carving, weaving works and photos from H.R.Art College
- 31.05. - 05.06. Water colour paintings by Sh. Chaman Sharma, Solan, H.P.
- 07.06. - 13.06. Painting Exhibition by Smt. Sapna Sharma, Mandi, H.P.
- 14.06. - 26.06. 'Impressions of the High Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Natascha Dorflinger, Austria
- 05.07. - 24.07. 'SPIRIT OF COLORS' - Painting Exhibition of Rosemarie Gorke. Germany
- 12.07. - 02.08. Exhibition of post cards by Ravi-Tanaya Sharma, Shimla, H.P.
- 26.07. - 08.08. 'The Cultivated Garden' - Painting exhibition by Sal Sidner,UK/USA
- 04.09. - 18.09. 'Ladakh - Stronghold of the Spirit' - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Moscow, Russia
- 06.10. - 11.10. 'From Time rhythms - to Space treasures!' - Painting exhibition by children winners -participants of the Spring Assembly of continental cultures' achievements, Russia
- 09.10. - 18.10. Altai Mountains - Photo exhibition by Alexander Titov, Moscow, Russia
- 28.10. - 13.11. Tibetan Contemporary Art - Painting exhibition by Dawa Yeshi, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh
- 26.12. - 31.12. 'Faces and Phases' - Painting exhibition by Eshita Girish, Kullu, H.P.
- 04.04. - 28.04.2010 'Mind and beyond the mind' - Painting exhibition by Rubel Pasricha, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
- 02.05. - 29.05. 'Garden of Jewels' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Martha Meagher, USA
- 11.07. - 30.09. 'Exhibition of the Exhibitions' - Painting exhibition of the works donated by the artists holding their show at the IRMT from 2002 till date
- 08.10. - till date 'There exists just one Earth in the Universe, and it is our Home' - Children' painting exhibition
- 08.10. - 12.10. From Time rhythms to Space Treasures' - Russian children' painting exhibition
- 09.10. - 14.11.2010 "From Gems of the Past to the Stars of the Future" - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Moscow, Russia
- 27.10. - till date - Painting exhibition by Russian children
- 20.02.2011 - 12.03. 'Paradise of Sri Lanka' - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva, Moscow, Russia
- 13.03.- 18.03. Regional Painters Camp (LKA, New Delhi; LAC dept., H.P. Govt. & IRMT)
- 27.03. - 10.04. 'Sacred Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Sukh Dass, Lahul
- 24.04. - 06.05. 'Spirit of the Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Asliddin Isaev, Uzbekistan
- 08.05. - 13.05. Painting exhibition by Manasi Bose, Pune
- 22.05. - 03.06 'Creationscapes' - Painting exhibition by Veena Harrison, New Delhi
- 15.05. - 15.07. Painting exhibition by Ashok Bodh, Naggar, H.P.
- 05.06. - 27.06. 'Sacred Spaces' - Painting exhibition by Carol Fraser, UK
- 10.07. - 11.08. 'Simplicity' - Painting exhibition by Daria Raldugina, Russia
- 16.08. - 01.09. Wooden sculptures & painted mirrors - exhibition by Marlis Price, UK
- 04.09. - 15.09. Photo exhibition by Michael Wright, Australia
- 18.09. - 06.10. Photo exhibition by Svetlana Bashlykova, Russia
- 08.10. - 12.10. 'From Rhythms of time…' Russian & Indian children painting exhibition
- 09.10. - 30.10. 'Dreams of India' - Painting exhibition of contemporary Russian Painters
- 13.11. - 02.12. Painting exhibition by Rajdeep Singh, New Delhi
- 15.04.2012 - 29.04. "Antare" - Exhibition of paintings on wood - by Alla Duhl, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- 01.05. - 09.05. Photo exhibition: 65 years of Diplomatic relations: Russia-India
- 20.05.- 01.06. "The Great Beyond" - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P.
- 03.06. - 15.06. 'Him Darshan' - Painting exhibition by Atmaram Koigade, Kurukali, Maharashtra
- 14.06. - 01.07. Painting exhibition by Bhader Singh
- 17.06. - 11.07.2012 Tribal Art Exhibition (By Ministry of Culture, N.D., Tribal Affairs) - New Delhi, India
Photo Exhibition 'Inner light of the Flowers' by Sergei Lopatin, Novosibirsk, Russia. Photographs of the flowers were acquired by a special scientific method that was invented by the Russian couple KIRLIAN in 1949. This method was one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the XX th century. |
Exhibition of paintings by Sukh Dass: "Music of the Mountains", inaugurated by H.E. A.M.Kadakin, former Ambassador of Russia on 3rd May, 2003 |
Photo exhibition: 'Kullu Kaleidoscope' by Rahul Sud (right), Kullu |
Exhibition of Stone Paintings 'One of its Kind' by Prashant Sharma (Manali) |
Exhibition of Stone Paintings 'One of its Kind' by Prashant Sharma (Manali) |
Reproductions of Nicholas Roerich's paintings done through special computer technique by 'Agni' Roerich Society, Samara, Russia. 40 big size reproductions were donated to the IRMT jointly by Agni Society and the Russian Embassy. They were exhibited in a historical Naggar Castle during the 13th Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Further, they were exhibited in Shimla, Chamba and Dharamsala Art Galleries in Himachal Pradesh. |
'Expression of a Youth' - Water colors paintings by Prabir Dutta (at the left side), Calcutta, West Bengal |
Harmony - Water colors paintings by Uma Bhardwaj, Sundernagar, H.P. |
The Journey - Paintings and photos by Sheetal Rana, Varanasi |
Children paint Sun - paintings of Russian children brought by their teacher-artist, Valery Lipenkov, Novosibirsk, Russia |
Hon. Chief Minister of H.P. Sh.Virbhadra Singh inaugurates the new exhibition hall in the newly constructed building at the IRMT, and the exhibition: 'Symphony' - Reproductions of M.Chiurlionis's paintings, on 30th October 2004, during the Centenary Celebrations of Svetoslav Roerich. At the right photo - participants of the Celebrations from Russia - Mme Ludmila Shaposhnikova, Director of the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, and G.Fursey, League of Culture, St.Petersburg at the exhibition. |
'Flowers' - Photo exhibition by Ashwini Bhatia,Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh (at the right side),inaugurated during S.Roerich Centenary Celebration on 30th October 2004 |
Mr N.Kudashev, Deputy Chief of the Russian Embassy and Sh.Ashok Thakur, Principal Secretary, Tourism, Art Language and Culture, H.P.Government, during the inauguration of the exhibition |
Teachers of the children 'Echo'Art Studio (St.Petersburg, Russia) at the IRMT during the inauguration of their students' paintings |
Students of Helena Roerich Art College, IRMT at the exhibition |
'Indian Culture and Gods' - Water colors paintings |
Helena Roerich Art College students at the exhibition by Naveen Uppal, Phagwara, Punjabм |
'Colors of Life' - Emboss paintings by Vijay Kumar Mehta, Kullu |
'The Sound of Silence' - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P., inaugurated during the 70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace. |
'70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace' - Photo exhibition from the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, Russia, inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador of Mongolia, Mr Jantsan Gulgou and by Minister Counsellor, Russian Embassy, Mr A.Sorokin during the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace. |
H.E. Ambassador of Mongolia during the inauguration of Painting exhibition by the students of Helena Roerich Art College, IRMT. Mr Jantsan Gulgou was a Chief Guest at the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace held at Naggar on 15th April 2005. |
'Vibration of Nature' - Painting exhibition by Prabir and Banasree Dutta, Shyamnagar, West.Bengal., inaugurated by the Counselor of the Russian Embassy, Mr A.Khozin on 1st May 2005 |
'Russia and Europe' - Painting Exhibition by Tatyana Vavrzhina, Moscow, Russia |
'Driftwood Beauty' - Exhibition of drift wood objects by Durga Prasad Rao, Bandrol, Kullu distt., H.P. |
Painting exhibition by Om Chand Sharma, Mandi, H.P. |
'Metamorphosis' - Painting exhibition by Joong B.Kim, USA |
Biennal Illustrations of Bratislava - Exhibition of reproductions of best paintings from BIB inaugurated by H.E.Mr.V.I.Trubnikov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation on 9th October 2005 during the annual N.Roerich Birth Anniversary celebration |
'When deities descend…' - Exhibition of wooden carved sculptures by Ses Ram, Rumsu, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh |
'From the Carpathians to Himalayas' - painting exhibition by Vladimir Kozar, Ukraine |
'Drift Wood Art' - Exhibition of drift wood art objects by Puneet Mahant, Duwara village, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh |
'Chitralekha' - Painting exhibition by Ravi Kant Jha and Rita Kulkarni, Madhya Pradesh, India |
'Beauty of Himachal Pradesh' - Painting exhibition by Sudarshan Kumar, Raison, Kullu distt., Himachal Pradesh |
'Echo of the Heart' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Meagher, USA |
'Himalayan Portraits' - Photo exhibition by Thomas Shor, USA |
'By Roerich's Paths…' - Painting exhibition by Vladimir Kozar, Kiev, Ukraine |
'Blessed colors' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Bhavya Singh, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh |
'Himalayas through the eyes of the Russian Artist' - Painting exhibition by Alexander Egorov, Moscow, Russia |
'Himalayas through the eyes of the Russian Artist' - Painting exhibition by Alexander Egorov, Moscow, Russia |
'Shikhara' - Painting exhibition by Sushma from Jalandhar, Punjab, and |
Naveen Dhiman, Sunder Nagar, Himachal Pradesh |
'Flux and Flow'- Painting exhibition by Payson R. Stevens, USA |
'Unity' - Exhibition of digitized paintings by Neha Sharma, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh |
'Helena Roerich Art College' - photo exhibition on the work of the Art College, and selected paintings by children from Painting department. Both exhibitions were inaugurated by H.E.Ambassador of the Russian Federation, V.I.Trubnikov jointly with H.E. Ambassador of the Belarus. |
'Rostov - the Soul of Russia' - Painting exhibition by Russian artists from different cities, and photo exhibition depicting city Rostov the Great. |
Painting exhibition by Rubel Pasricha, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh |
'Roerich designs on Kullu shawls' - Weaving exhibition by Vishwanath, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. Exhibition was inaugurated by the Pradhan of Naggar. |
"I want to give a new dimension to Kullu shawls and mufflers… We have such a wonderful nature, glorious mountains around us. I dream to incorporate this inspiring beauty to my handicrafts. Paintings of Nicholas Roerich are so natural and great - they appear so beautifully as designs on shawls and mufflers. I wish this new idea gets its further development. For me it is the childhood dream becoming true today…" - Vishwanath. |
'Russian children paint India' - Painting exhibition of 77 paintings by Russian children, brought by the representative of their Riazan 'Raduga' School of Art, Russia |
Painting exhibition by Ashok Bodh, Naggar, Himachal Pradesh |
Natural wood inlays paintings by V.Subra Mani, Mysore, Karnataka |
Photo exhibition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Russian- Indian diplomatic relations |
'Prism' 2007 - A group show by Fine Arts students, Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar, Punjab |
'Prism' 2007 - A group show by Fine Arts students, Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar, Punjab |

Happy Teacher of her bright students… |
Oil paintings exhibition by Neha Sharma and Divya Sharma, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh |
'Tal' - Painting exhibition by Vinitha Anand, Trivandrum, Kerala |
'Anubhuti' - Painting exhibition by Sunil Joshi, Rajasthan |
'The Path' - Painting exhibition by Jaswant Singh Rajpurohit, Rajasthan, inaugurated by Agriculture Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Sh.R.K.Gaur. |
'Lahul' - Painting exhibition by Ranjit Dogre, Lahul & Spiti, inaugurated by the renowned artist of Lahul, Sh.Sukh Dass (extreme right) |
'Wild & the Wilderness in Himalayas' - Photo exhibition by Ashwani Kaul, Kullu |
'Tribute' - Painting exhibition by Mrs Veena Harrison, Naggar, Himachal Pradesh |
'Buddhist Thangkhas Art' - Painting exhibition by students from Tibetan Children Village School, Patlikhul, Himachal Pradesh |
'Buddhist Deities' - Painting exhibition by Naresh, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh |
Exhibition of medicinal plants cultivated at the Trust. Gardener Gokul. |
'Holy Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva - Borisova, Russia |
'Early Russian Religious Architecture' - Photo exhibition by Boris Vinnikov, Russia |
National Painters Camp 2008, organized jointly by the Lalit Kala Academi, New Delhi and the IRMT |
National Painters Camp 2008, organized jointly by the Lalit Kala Academi, New Delhi and the IRMT |
'Glimpses of Nature' - Painting exhibition by Hira Singh Negi, Bhuntar, Himachal Pradesh |
'REVELATION'- Painting exhibition by Pradip Ghosh, Delhi |
'REVELATION'- Painting exhibition by Pradip Ghosh, Delhi |
Traditional Kullu Weaving art exhibition by Vishwanath Nair, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh India, held at the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, Russia |
Painting exhibition 'PRAYAS' by Vivek Sharma, Mohal, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh |
'BEYOND STROKES' - Painting exhibition by Kiran Soni Gupta, Jodhpur, Rajasthan |
'80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' - exhibition from the Archives (from botanical, medicinal, mineralogical, linguistic, zoological, ornithological collections) |
'80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' - exhibition from the Archives (from botanical, medicinal, mineralogical, linguistic, zoological, ornithological collections) |
'80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' - exhibition from the Archives (from botanical, medicinal, mineralogical, linguistic, zoological, ornithological collections) |
'80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute' - exhibition from the Archives (from botanical, medicinal, mineralogical, linguistic, zoological, ornithological collections) |
'Devbhoomi' - Painting exhibition of landscapes by S.K.Shinde, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh |
'Sacred Places of Ancient Russia' - Painting exhibition by Natalya Zaitseva-Borisova, Moscow, Russia |
'Soul Aspirations' - Exhibition of paintings and weaving works from Saratov's Government Technical Institute, Russia |
Helena Roerich Art College: 2003-2009 Exhibition of painting, carving, weaving works and photos from H.R.Art College |
Water colour paintings by Chaman Sharma, Solan, H.P. |
Painting Exhibition by Sapna Sharma, Mandi, H.P. |
'Impressions of the High Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Natascha Dorflinger, Austria |
'SPIRIT OF COLORS' - Painting Exhibition by Rosemarie Gorke, Germany |
'The Cultivated Garden' - Painting exhibition by Sal Sidner, UK |
Exhibition of postcards painted by Ravi-Tanaya, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh |
Altai Mountains - Photo exhibition by Alexander Titov, Moscow, Russia |
'Ladakh - Stronghold of the Spirit'- Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Russia |
"From Time rhythms - to Space treasures!" - Painting exhibition by children winners of the Spring Assembly of continental cultures' achievements, Russia |
'Garden of Jewels' - Painting exhibition by Kumari Martha Meagher, USA, inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador of Azerbaijan |
'Mind and beyond the mind' - Painting exhibition by Rubel Pasricha, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh |
'Exhibition of the Exhibitions' - Painting exhibition of the works donated by the artists who exhibited at the IRMT |
"From Gems of the Past to the Stars of the Future" - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva- Borisova, Moscow, Russia |
Paradise of Sri Lanka - Painting exhibition by Natalia Zaitseva, Moscow, Russia |
Regional Painters Camp 2011 (LKA, New Delhi; LAC dept., H.P. Govt. & IRMT) |
'Sacred Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Sukh Dass, Lahul |
'Spirit of the Himalayas' - Painting exhibition by Asliddin Isaev, Uzbekistan |
Painting exhibition by Manasi Bose, Pune |
Painting exhibition by Ashok Bodh, Naggar, H.P. |
'Creationscapes' - Painting exhibition by Veena Harrison, New Delhi |
'Sacred Spaces' - Painting exhibition by Carol Fraser, UK |
'Simplicity' - Painting exhibition by Daria Raldugina, Samara, Russia |
Wooden sculptures, painted mirrors & paintings - exhibition by Marlis Price, UK |
Photo exhibition by Michael Wright, Australia |
Photo exhibition by Svetlana Bashlykova, Russia |
'From Rhythms of time…' Russian & Indian children painting exhibition |
'Dreams of India' - Painting exhibition of contemporary Russian painters |
Painting exhibition by Rajdeep Singh, New Delhi |
Photo exhibition - 65th Anniversary of Diplomatic relations: Russia-India |
Exhibition of paintings on wood - by Alla Duhl, Saint Petersburg, Russia |
"The Great Beyond" - Photo exhibition by Rahul Sud, Kullu, H.P. |
'Him Darshan' - Painting exhibition by Atmaram Koigade, Kurukali, Maharashtra |
Painting exhibition by Bhader Singh, Himachal Pradesh |
Tribal Art Exhibition By Ministry of Culture, N.D., Tribal Affairs - it lasted till 11.07.2012, being the last exhibition before the capture of the IRMT |